Why General Liability Insurance CoverageKey Issues in Every State is a Great Value at $250.00:

Insurance companies routinely spend thousands of dollars for a single coverage opinion from outside counsel. In return they are provided with the law for just a handful of coverage scenarios. Key Issues provides the law for 1,000 coverage scenarios -- for a tiny fraction of the price of just one coverage opinion.

For the cost of just a single coverage opinion, an insurer can outfit 20 claims professionals with a tool that saves the need for many coverage opinions.
Key Issues pays for itself after saving just one or two calls to coverage counsel -- not to mention by reducing assignments to outside counsel.
Key Issues is priced in the same range as other coverage books – with many being priced higher.
Coverage webinars these days are sometimes priced in the range of $100 to $200 -- for just a few hour program.
Coverage seminars are routinely priced in the $500 to $1,000 range -- for just a one to two day program.
Subscription services, besides being very expensive, provide coverage information over time – making it difficult to keep track of. With Key Issues everything is in one place.